Episode 18: Russia's Last Troubadour. The Tale of Kirsha Danilov

Episode 18 September 29, 2023 00:38:32
Episode 18: Russia's Last Troubadour. The Tale of Kirsha Danilov
Tales from Imperial Russia
Episode 18: Russia's Last Troubadour. The Tale of Kirsha Danilov

Sep 29 2023 | 00:38:32


Show Notes

The 1804/1818 song collection of Kirsha Danilov introduced the Russian reading public, in many ways for the first time, to the people's immensely rich tradition of fairy tales, historical legends, and bawdy satires: these stories and their motifs have gone not only to influence great writers, poets, painters, and composers, but generation after generation of children. But who was Kirsha Danilov? In this episode, we follow the biography of this great bard to the Ural factories of the mid-eighteenth century and place him within the ancient tradition of Russian minstrels.


V. Baidin, Kirsha Danilov v Sibiri i na Urale. Istoriko-biographificheskie etiudy (Ekaterinburg: Izdatel’stvo Ural’skogo universiteta, 2015).

Drevnie rossiiskie stikhotvoreniia, sobrannye Kirsheiu Danilovym (Moscow, 1818).

R. Zguta, Russian Minstrels: A History of the Skomorokhi (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1978).

N. K. Chadwick, Russian Heroic Poetry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

S. N. Kopyrina, ‘Zavodskie poselki kazennykh predpriiatii Urala v 20-50-e gody XVIII v.’, Genesis: istoricheskie issledovanie, no. 1 (2023), pp. 11-25.

S. Smirnov, ‘Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie truda pripisnykh krest’ian na gornykh zavodakh Urala v XVIII – nachale XIX vv.’, Magistra Vitae: elektronnyi zhurnal po istoricheskim naukam i arkheologii, no. 2 (4) (1992), pp. 3-11.

J. L. Rice, ‘A Russian Bawdy Song of the Eighteenth Century’, Slavic and East European Journal, vol. 20, no. 4 (1976), pp. 353-370.

J. L. Rice, ‘Kirsha Danilov and the Wrath of Ivan the Terrible’, Russian History, vol. 24, no. 4 (1997), pp. 395-408.

R. Portal’, Ural v XVIII veke (Ufa: Gilem, 2003). Originally: R. Portal, ĽOural au XVIIIе siècle: Étude d’histoire économique et sociale (Paris, 1950).

T. Esper, ‘The Condition of the Serf Workers in Russia’s Metallurgical Industry, 1800-1861’, Journal of Modern History, vol. 50, no. 4 (1978), pp. 660-679.

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