Tales from Imperial Russia is a fortnightly podcast narrating ordinary and extraordinary lives from the Russian Empire. In short episodes, we will avoid the oft-retold stories of emperors and battles to focus on the mostly forgotten lives of individuals from an amazing array of locales, peoples, and circumstances.
This podcast is written and performed by Dr James White. For my academic articles, please see: https://urfu.academia.edu/JamesWhite.
To purchase my recent book, please see: https://www.amazon.com/Unity-Faith-Edinoverie-Orthodoxy-1800-1918/dp/0253049725/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=edinoverie&qid=1610272334&sr=8-1
In the early nineteenth century, Raffaele Scassi, Genoese gambler and ne'er-do-well, found himself in the newly founded Black Sea port of Odessa. This was...
Andrei and Natalia Chikhachev, middling nobles, spent their lives running their small estate of Dorozhaevo in Vladimir province and raising their family. In this...
As is well known, Grigorii Rasputin wielded a considerable and scandalous level of influence over Tsar Nicholas II. What is less well known is...