Latest Episodes

Episode 23: The Other Rasputin. The Tale of Iliodor (Trufanov)
Between 1905 and 1912, the monk Iliodor (Trufanov) set Russia ablaze with his inflammatory right-wing rhetoric, causing scandal after scandal. In this episode, we...

Episode 22: From Riches to Ruin. The Tale of Ivan Tolchenov
In 1796, the merchant Ivan Tolchenov was secreted in his magnificent mansion in Dmitrov, hiding from his creditors. This episode seeks to understand how...

Episode 21: Empire of Light and Colour. The Tale of Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii
The colour photographs of Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii fascinated the imperial public of the early 20th century, persuading Emperor Nicholas II to sponsor expeditions across the...

Episode 20: Genteel Country Lives. The Tale of the Chikhachev Family
Andrei and Natalia Chikhachev, middling nobles, spent their lives running their small estate of Dorozhaevo in Vladimir province and raising their family. In this...

Episode 19: Strike! The Tale of Vasilii Gerasimov
Abandoned in 1852 when scarcely two weeks old, Vasilii Gerasimov ultimately became a child worker at the Kreenholm cotton factory, where he worked for...

Episode 18: Russia's Last Troubadour. The Tale of Kirsha Danilov
The 1804/1818 song collection of Kirsha Danilov introduced the Russian reading public, in many ways for the first time, to the people's immensely rich...